Hungarian Mushroom Soup "CreamY"

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2 c. chopped onions/3 tbsp. all-purpose/1 tsp. salt/ground black pepper/2 tsp. lemon juice/1/4 c. chopped fresh pa/1 lb sliced mushrooms/2 tsp. dried dill/1 tbsp. paprika/1 tbsp. soy sauce/2 c.vegetarianbroth/1 c. milk/4 tbsp. unsalted butter
1/4 cup of diced parcsley

Add some butter to a large pot over medium flame.
Saute the onions for 5 min.
Next add the mushrooms cook 5 min.
Add in the dill, paprika, soy sauce, and the broth.
Reduce to low, cover with a lid and simmer for approx 15 min.
Now in a separate bowl, whick together the milk and flour
Pour this in the soup and stir.
Next you want to cover this with a lid and cook on low for 15 min.
Finally, add in salt, pepper, lemon juice, parsley, and sour cream.
Mix this all together and cook on low for approx. 3-5 in.
Ladle up and serve!


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