16 large clementines or small
17g/60z/scant 1 cup unrefined caster
sugar 105nl/7 tsp water
lemon juice 2

1. Slice the tops off 12 of the clementines. scrap out the insides. put hollow clementines aside in a refrigerator. Put sugar and water in a pan, heat on low. now boil and stir the lemon juice in. Beat mix with a churner, blender or and ice cream maker. Freeze the mix in a container for 4 hours. Take out Clementine shells and mix. Pack the shells with you frozen mix, now return to the freezer for 30 minuts befor serving.
What a gorgeously simple dish. This is a great excuse for me to get the icecream maker out of the back of the cupboard.
Congratulations to you for making the top 9. You're proof that the fewer the ingredients, the more the flavor shines.
Thanks! This is a simple but tasty recipe. Shall i tag simple recipes as well "simple" since people like a good simple recipe? did I make it to the top 9 on food buzz. Ill go check :)
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