1 gl of Bulghur; fine grind (200gr)
1 gl of flour
1 egg
1 tb spoon tomato paste
1 tb spoon red pepper paste
1 gl of hot water
black pepper
For sauce:
3 tomatoes
3 garlic cloves
1 tb spoon tomato paste
1 tb spoon red pepper paste
black pepper
red pepper
Place the bulgur in a large shallow bowl. Pour the hot water and mix to make sure all the bulgur is soaked. Cover with a plate or plastic wrap and let sit for 20 minutes until the bulgur is soft.
Add all the other ingredients to make the bulgur balls. Knead for 10 minutes. Shape the small balls; boil them in water for 10-15 min, on the other hand cook for few min grated tomatoes and garlic add the other ingrediebts for sauce and mix them well ; cook for 10 min. Drain bulghur balls and pour tomato sauce on it. Serve warm.This girl is the best cook. She is from Turkey, and has a few vegetarian recipes to offer Meet Yesim Caglar. Pay her a visit at Yesim Style Kitchen
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